Architectural Shingles

Architectural Shingles: The Perfect Residential Roof And Selection Guide

The Ultimate Residential Roof And Buying Guide For Architectural Shingles

Regarding residential roofing, Greater Midwest Exteriors is a name you can trust. As a leading provider of roofing services, we understand the importance of quality, durability, and aesthetic appeal in enhancing the value of your home. Our team of experts specializes in architectural shingles. It guides homeowners in choosing the best roofing solutions that fit their needs and budget.


We’re not just about selling roofing products; we’re about building lasting relationships with our clients, providing top-notch installation services, and ensuring their utmost satisfaction. Don’t just take our word for it; check out our glowing customer reviews.


We understand you may have questions about our services or roofing in general. Our FAQ page is designed to address those queries, providing comprehensive information about our processes, products, and more. If you are looking for professional roofing services that guarantee quality and customer satisfaction, look no further than Greater Midwest Exteriors. Feel free to contact us at (630) 463-7663 or visit our home page to explore our offerings.

The Excellence Of Architectural Shingles

The Longevity Advantage

Asphalt shingles have always been a popular roofing material across the United States. Still, the show’s real star is their more robust variant, architectural shingles. Known for their superior durability and reliability, architectural shingles offer a perfect blend of quality, aesthetics, and affordability. They provide excellent protection and contribute significantly to your home’s visual appeal, with a wide range of colors available to suit your home’s style.

One of the critical strengths of architectural shingles is their lifespan. Crafted from thicker materials, these shingles can last 25 to 30 years, ensuring your home enjoys long-term protection. While extreme weather events can impact this lifespan, the cost of architectural shingles considers the variety of resilient components that go into creating a roof designed to weather the elements and stand the test of time.

Asphalt shingles roofing service
Architectural Asphalt shingles roofing

Installation: Trust The Professionals

When installing architectural shingles, trust the professionals at Greater Midwest Exteriors. There’s more to roofing than just laying shingles; it involves preparing the roof deck, ensuring it’s clean and flat, applying a drip edge and underlayment for extra protection, and placing the shingles starting from the bottom before working up to the top. The process concludes with adding ridge caps at the top of your roof. The expertise of our team ensures a smooth, efficient installation, providing you with a flat, water-resistant roof built to last.

The Value of Architectural Shingles

While architectural shingles might cost more than standard three-tab shingles, their value proposition makes them worth the extra cost. Their layered, textured look enhances your home’s curb appeal and resale value. Their thickness and durability make them resilient against high winds, hail, or other weather events. Most importantly, they offer better insulation and energy efficiency than standard shingles, helping to maintain a comfortable home temperature year-round, lowering energy bills, and reducing environmental impact.

Greater Midwest Exteriors: Your Roofing Solution Provider

As an official installer of these products, Greater Midwest Exteriors collaborates with customers nationwide to help them decide on the best architectural shingles for their homes. We will work with your insurance company to settle your claim, making the process as easy and convenient as possible.


Choosing the right roofing solution can be a daunting task. However, with Greater Midwest Exteriors by your side, you can rest assured that you’re making a wise investment in your home. Our expertise in architectural shingles, coupled with our commitment to excellent service, ensures your roof looks good and stands up not only to the elements but also to the elements, providing long-term protection for your home.


We believe in providing more than just a service; we strive to deliver peace of mind. Your trust in us is our greatest reward, and we work tirelessly to ensure your satisfaction. Check out our reviews to see what our clients say about us.


To know more about our services or have any questions, please contact us at (630) 463-7663 or visit our FAQ page.

Services We Provide:

Frequently Asked Questions

Also known as laminated or dimensional shingles, are a high-quality type of roofing shingle. They are composed of a heavy fiberglass mat base with ceramic-coated mineral granules embedded within water-resistant asphalt, and they are designed to resemble premium materials like slate or cedar.

They are known for their durability and can last 25 to 50 years, depending on the specific product and environmental conditions.

Designers make them from heavier and more durable materials than standard asphalt shingles. They are also designed to resemble more expensive roofing materials, contributing to their higher cost.

It offer superior durability, aesthetic appeal, and a good return on investment. They can enhance the curb appeal and resale value of your home.

Designers craft these shingles to withstand severe weather conditions, including high winds, hail, and extreme temperatures.

The average cost to install architectural shingles can range between $13,500 and $21,500, depending on the size and complexity of the roof.

While it is technically possible, installing them is best left to professionals. The process involves several steps and requires specific knowledge and experience.

Architectural shingles provide better insulation than standard shingles, helping to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Greater Midwest Exteriors is a professional roofing company specializing in building architectural shingles. Their experienced team ensures high-quality installation and service.

You can find More information about Greater Midwest Exteriors and its services on its homepage, reviews page, and FAQ page.